Friday 3 November 2017

5 Aussie bloggers doing kick arse things with video

I am still very new to the world of YouTube and video.

12 months ago, I had never even watched a video on YouTube, let alone taken the time to watch a video on Facebook.

But since discovering Facebook Live earlier this year, I'm all over that!

And I thought it was high time to sing the praises of these lovelies who are doing kick arse stuff with their videos.

If you've spent any time around the blogging world, then you'll know Bron as the calm voice of positive parenting and supporting other bloggers to do great things. She has a sister who is a published author, but she's amazing with words in her own right (I'd buy her book on parenting!) While she's been focusing on her business blog over recent months, her videos (created using Lumen5, I believe) are almost as amazing as reading her written words.

As a food blogger, Kylie's product is ideal for video consumption, but she's nailing Facebook Live, as well. She regularly hops on and LiveStreams a catch up/what's happening type video, and engages with her audience, or comes back later to chat.

coasting australia (formerly northern aussie mum)

Briony and her family upped stakes 3 months ago, leaving Cairns for the trip of a life time, travelling around Australia. She's using a mix of photo gallery flips, videos and LiveStreams to share their adventures. (Just quietly, she's braver than me!)

Melissa was one of the very first bloggers I ever met. Earlier this year, she decided she needed to embrace YouTube, and has taught herself everything she knows. She has several streams of video, from off the cuff unboxings, to blog critiques, and pieces of her story wrapped up in every single one of them.

potential psychology

Ellen is a much-loved voice of reason in the Aussie blogging world. She cheers on others, and provides an explanation in simple terms for all those trendy ideas that keep being thrown at us. Ellen has embraced the connection marketing form of video, appearing in every one to provide hints and tips to help us get out of our heads and into doing stuff with our lives.

Are you a fan of YouTube?
Who's videos are you loving?



  1. I often think of making videos of our adventures but I hate being in front of the camera!

  2. I followed Ellen of PP here
    Liked the article and thanks for the reference to Lumen5 which looks good!

  3. OMG, how did I miss this!? I clicked through from the footer of the last post I read because I'm always looking for more people to watch on YouTube (you know, to pad out the usual suspects).

    Thank you for the mention. I've been a little slack lately, uploading only the podcast episodes, but I've got a filming day scheduled and I'm going to be BACK. Oh video, you time consuming, pain in my ass. Haha.


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