Monday, 17 February 2014

hello monday

unprompted Valentine's flowers should be celebrated
hello, IKEA, an expedit is needed for the craft room

hello, spelling test, helping in class has changed since Chloe was in grade 2

hello, heat wave, hoping for rain following behind

hello, journaling pens, can you believe it's been so long, they've all dried out!

hello, old papers, I forgot I bought so many, but I love them just as much now!

hello, Monday, a new start every week


  1. A new start! Just thinking it makes me happy. Must say, it's been a big Monday here, and I am looking forward to waking up to a new day xx

  2. Hope you have a wonderful week Cate! I have three Expedit units & love them because they are the perfect size for my albums & my color bins & so much more!

  3. It looks as if things are moving apace in your craft room - new to come and old to be rediscovered :).

  4. I saw your expedition on IG...enjoy!!
    Alison xx


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