or, what is this thing called Blogtober, and what am I doing?
Many years ago, the internet was littered with blogging challenges - NaNoBloMo, 31 Days, Blog Every Day in May - and then social media killed the internet and everyone stopped writing.
But recently, there's been rumblings.
People still read blog posts, especially if the recipe includes beautiful photos.
Writers are still writing, mostly on Medium or Substack.
Things are changing.
And something inside my head tells me it's ok for me to change too.
So I'm attempting this thing called Blogtober.
Blame Rachel, she's very convincing when she starts talking about how she's finally worked out the rhythm of her ecosystem.
I want more of that - the feeling of inspiration that strikes while washing dishes and knowing that I have things that are worth saying.
Because that's the biggest reason I dropped off the face of the earth - I stopped believing in myself and let the mean-girl-voice in my head overtake everything.
But there's something about being 50.
My hair is a lot greyer.
My patience is a lot thinner.
And I can finally see that it's ok to put me out there and be seen by the world.
(I wish finding a paying job was as easy 😉)
So I've pulled out my bullet journal, reminded myself how to create header images, realised that this space needs updating and planned over 20 posts (and already considered changing some of those plans)
And here we are on day one, with almost a whole, cohesive post, ready to publish.
Yay me!
Are you writing this month? Or are you cheering from the sidelines?