Monday, 14 October 2024

Hello Monday

 or, there's only 11 Mondays to 2025

Hello October. 

Next to the colourful leaves of June in Melbourne, October is my favourite season in Queensland. (Because, let's face it, in our climate, the month is a whole season all of it's own) The jacaranda in my backyard tells the world it's here, the October Lily gets out her finest dress, and the cold of winter (such as it is for us acclimatised northerners) is slowly creeping away.


Friday, 11 October 2024

How to be a good friend as an adult

or how to feel you've reached the pinnacle of friendship

I had a conversation with a new friend today about what we expected out of a friendship. It was quite an eye-opening experience, to be asked those questions up front about our place in each other's world, and it's something that is a good basis to build a solid friendship on.

But it got me to wondering (and asking my friends) what makes a good friend? (And, ultimately, am I being the friend those people need?)

Thursday, 3 October 2024

finding meaning in the mundane

 or, Am I just living the same day over and over again?

There's a part of me that just wants to quit right now.

It would be much easier if I did - I could go and wash the dishes that have been waiting all day, or finally start that event setup I was supposed to have finished 3 days ago.

Wednesday, 2 October 2024

the second day is the hardest

or, now you know what's going to happen, you have to choose to come back.

The first day I stepped into the gym, I was overwhelmed.

At 5am, the noise was intense - instructors yelling, people shouting over music, other people turning up for the next class and calling out greetings to people they knew.


It was still pandemic times, so masks and social distancing were the norm while people weren't in class.


Tuesday, 1 October 2024

A return to personal blogging again again

 or, what is this thing called Blogtober, and what am I doing?

Many years ago, the internet was littered with blogging challenges - NaNoBloMo, 31 Days, Blog Every Day in May - and then social media killed the internet and everyone stopped writing.


But recently, there's been rumblings.

People still read blog posts, especially if the recipe includes beautiful photos.

Writers are still writing, mostly on Medium or Substack.

Things are changing.

And something inside my head tells me it's ok for me to change too.


So I'm attempting this thing called Blogtober.

Blame Rachel, she's very convincing when she starts talking about how she's finally worked out the rhythm of her ecosystem.

I want more of that - the feeling of inspiration that strikes while washing dishes and knowing that I have things that are worth saying.

Because that's the biggest reason I dropped off the face of the earth - I stopped believing in myself and let the mean-girl-voice in my head overtake everything.

 You might like this post - 5 tips for actually using your planner

But there's something about being 50.

My hair is a lot greyer.

My patience is a lot thinner.

And I can finally see that it's ok to put me out there and be seen by the world.

(I wish finding a paying job was as easy 😉)

So I've pulled out my bullet journal, reminded myself how to create header images, realised that this space needs updating and planned over 20 posts (and already considered changing some of those plans)

And here we are on day one, with almost a whole, cohesive post, ready to publish.

Yay me!

Are you writing this month? Or are you cheering from the sidelines?


Monday, 22 July 2024

hello monday, the first post of 2024


hello sunset view from the plane.

Last Friday, I flew to Sydney for an overnight workshop with Lions Australia, as part of my new (volunteer) role for our district - Marketing & Communications Chair. I met with other chairs from around Australia (including one who is a former member of my club), and reinforced that social media marketing hasn't changed that much in the five years I've been busy doing other things. Now I need to figure out what my next steps are.

hello newsletters.

The delightful Louisa popped into my inbox recently. She remembers what it was like to blog way back when, and now we're all figuring out what happens next. And her Sunday newsletter shares all the ruminations that we're all thinking but not quite articulating (I have done so much reading on how to make friends lately, I have thoughts to share another day) Carly Jacobs from Very Excellent Habits is my other weekly must-read.

hello goodbye c-id.

It finally happened, and I got the lurgy last week. Considering how sick I was, I'm grateful I didn't get it earlier. Now I'm almost 100% better (although I still sound sick), it's time to catch up on all the life I missed (eternally grateful for the vaccines and lessons from others over the last five years)

hello baking.

Since I discovered over a year ago that I'm now intolerant to eggs (I can eat them, but they give me an awful upset stomach), my baking has changed. I've had to learn how to bake, crumb, cook without eggs (I also can't eat banana and avocado, so those substitutes are out) Scones are my newest favourite way to have a sweet snack (especially these chocolate scones), and I always shove a few in the freezer, because the teenagers inhale them!

hello teen driver.

I'm all kinds of blown away to be writing this here, but Natalie passed her drivers test over the weekend. Little Natalie, who was not-quite-one when I started writing in this space, is about to graduate high school. I'm too busy to feel old, but man I feel old.

hello Monday, a fresh start to every week.

What are you saying hello to this Monday?


Sunday, 3 December 2023

Dear Family, Cooking is more than just cooking

When helping is really adding more to Mum's load

* not the actual meal in question

In recent times, Steve has decided that he can cook dinner.


Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Last Firsts and all that jazz

When you're the last baby, especially when you're the last of 5 babies, there's not much celebration of you (especially from extended family)

We've always tried hard to celebrate Sophie in any way we can, because noone else is walking beside her cheering her on.
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