Sunday, 11 May 2008

Happy Mothers Day!

My flowers... yesterday we spent the day getting organised for the birthday party - and is want to happen in this house, when DH and I get stressed, we're snippy and snappy with each other... silly, I know, but we just take it out on each other... anyway, he had to go to the shops for garbage bags, and when he finally returned - twenty five minutes later, how hard can it be to find garbage bags?! - he handed me these two bunches of flowers! (I forgot to turn the orchids before loading them)... He was really excited about the orchids, cause they were blue... I've put them safely in my scrap room, where I can look at them while I'm working until they die!!

This is Nat, hiding from Nana during afternoon tea...

The view across the road from the pub where we had breakfast... and what a saga that turned out to be! We booked last week, and they said they would call back to confirm - last night we remembered they hadn't called, but were absolutely knackered from running around with eight ten year olds, so didn't worry about it... What a mistake! Got there, and they didn't have our booking!! They squeezed us onto a table at the back, away from the view we went for, and said "you'll be finished by ten? We need the table!) Our food was cold, Chloe ordered pancakes and icecream, but they came with no icecream, and not even any cream to substitute! Douglas ordered bacon and eggs, but refused to eat more than a mouthful, and DH and I ate everything on our plates, but the only thing that was hot was the hash browns!! But, I didn't have to cook!! So, while we didn't have a good meal, it wasn't that bad, we had a great view from the carpark, and someone else did the cooking ~lol~

I haven't taken photos of my pressies yet, but I got a purple dressing gown, and pink jammies (DS tells me "they didn't have purple ones, pink is sort of purple"), a book, new apron and oven mitt, huge bag of m&ms, and a block of chocolate!! I had planned to scrap after breakfast, but didn't get anything done - too busy tidying up after using my desk as a dumping ground all week!!

Gotta go, bubby girl has the tired stagger happening!

Happy Mothers Day, and happy scrapping!

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