Monday, 11 January 2016

Hello Monday

hello, good health after a rocky start to the year, I'm finally on the mend. And I've acknowledged that I can't ignore my teeth any more.

hello, blog link up Toni and I have put our plans for a new blog on hold for the moment, but we're starting a new link up this Thursday. Called "This Parenting Life", it's a weekly link up on Thursdays, open to parenting tips, family-friendly recipes, stories and crafting posts. You can drop your link on either blog, and it will show up on both. [and maybe by Thursday we'll have a logo figured out]

hello blog goals I've never been a goal-setter, or finisher. And I rarely achieve any of the things I plan for myself. I'm setting myself the slightly audacious goal of 50,000 page views this calendar year for this blog. Almost triple any previous year. Now, I know to some people, that's not a lot for a year, but it's a huge reach for me. [and it's a whole 'nother post]

hello writing time with Sophie at daycare now, I have an idea in my head that I'll use the time effectively for writing. I say idea because I know in the beginning, I'll be anxiously waiting for phone calls from daycare that she's upset, but as the year moves on, she'll settle into a routine, and so will I.

hello baking The cupboard is bare, the bank is empty, and there's still two weeks of school holidays and starving kids, so it's time to crack out some flour.

hello Monday, a new start every week.

linking up with Kirsty and Alicia


  1. I better start writing my post for Thursday ;)

  2. Well done for starting your own linkup Cate. Hope 2016 is kind to you :-)

  3. Good luck girls, and I love setting a strong goal. Gives us something to strive for

  4. Mmmm baking I like the sound of that :-)

  5. Congrats on starting a new link up! They're fun but so much time is needed for them that I'm kind of glad the last one stopped.

  6. Great idea for a blog link up. We've had a rocky start to the year, so I haven't returned to blogging. Hopefully Wednesday for my Worth Casing Wednesday link up.

  7. Good luck with all your plans for 2016 and the link up party!

  8. I'm a bit like you with goals. Sometimes I think it is better to go with the flow as I often get distracted.

  9. Yay for your new linkup. I just need to write something parenting related now for Thursday!!!!

  10. I am so looking forward to Summer starting kindy and me having more spare time to pursue the things I want to get done. Good luck with getting your pageview goal x

  11. Bummer to start the year with illness, but glad to hear you're on the mend! That is an audacious goal, but you can do it!!!! :) Happy New Year Cate!

  12. Glad to hear you're feeling better...I can sympathise totally, having just spent five days in bed with a nasty cold...I
    Hope Sophie settles at daycare xx


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