Mmm... I've made six cards. I don't know how many I need to make (because I haven't written the list of who I need to send them to), but I have made six.
I have covered a journal (shown in the previous post), and created my journal template pages for writing stuff on.
I have driven myself slightly insane, worrying about making this year the "perfect" Christmas, when reality is it doesn't need to be a perfect Christmas, just memorable for the kids!
So, let's talk traditions. A post over at 2peas got me thinking about our Christmas traditions (and also got me dwelling on Christmas and feeling the stress already!)
- We started a new tradition last year of going to the Carols by Candlelight in the school grounds around the corner - a picnic in the park, singing and fireworks, too. (this year I'm going to try some of the tips for taking fireworks photos - some of mine weren't too bad, but some were truly awful!)
- We have an old tradition of watching Carols by Candlelight on Christmas Eve, then the kids leave out lemonade and a biscuit for santa, and carrots and water for the reindeer before heading to bed.
- I always put the star on the tree, the kids decorate it.
- We always ask people who are joining us for lunch to bring an ornament to put on our tree... not sure where this one started, probably something Chloe and I did when we were on our own, and it's carried on from then.
- Photos with Santa are a must! I get one of each of the kids individually and together... it's great to see how much they have changed from year to year.
- Food traditions include buttermilk hotcakes with blueberry sauce for breakfast, and pavlova for dessert, with mum's homemade shortbread and chocolate fudge for snacks.
This post has taken hours to type today - between phone calls, collecting cars, kids getting home from school, and a baby that has been out of sorts for days (and has had no sleep today, making her even more pleasant to be with!), I don't think I've shared the thoughts I originally had when I started... any way, please share your Christmas traditions, or lack there of, and countdown with me to the big day!!
Sorry for posting here but I have tries to get ahold of you with no luck. You signed up for a spot on my Passionate about Purple ATC swap and have not returned any pm's and not kept in touch The time to have them in has since passed and we have been waiting to hear from you but have not. Are you still planning on following through with this swap that you committed too
Re: Passionate about Purple ATC Swap !!!!
by purplecrazymum on Thu Aug 21, 2008 12:51 am
I'm passionate about purple!! Can an international scrapper join, pretty please??!!
Thank you
scrappingirish CKMB