Wednesday, 31 December 2008

2008 wrap up

It's New Years Eve! Happy New Year! May 2009 be joyous for you and yours!

Was 2008 a "good one" for you? We've had our ups and downs... mostly around money and kids, so I guess there isn't a lot we can do to change that situation, just learn to deal with it better!

I wasn't very good with my resolutions this year {better with my scrappy resolutions, not so much with the personal ones}, so I think next year I will be a little nicer to myself, and maybe stick with the same goals ~lol~ they summarise my life very well!!

scrappy stuff - my goal was one LO a week, one card a week, my wedding album, birthday invites and mums group Christmas album... I achieved 75 12x12 LOs for the year (and 9 8.5x11, 2 6x12 and 10 sets of ATCs), invites for Nat's birthday, Chloe's birthday and Christmas lunch, and haven't even looked at the wedding and mums group albums, but I have made 4 mini albums and have 2 waiting for photos. 2009 goals are 1 LO a week (cause that's achievable, even if I only scrap once a month), 1 card a week (and a jumpstart on my Christmas cards if I can get it happening!), and working on those classes I've taken this year, but not finished (or in most instances, started!)

personal stuff - my goals were more walking, more reading, an organised kitchen, and more grown up/mum and dad time.... I acheived more reading! 2009 goals are getting the kitchen sorted, and trying to fit more walking into every day... nice and easy stuff...

And I've got an idea for my one little word... will play around with it tonight when we're at home with five kids and tucked into bed before midnight...

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