Wednesday 3 December 2008

I'm behind already!

I'm hopeless!! Life is constantly getting in the way... of course, I could be out there doing it now, instead of here, posting about not doing it...

What am I talking about? Journal your Christmas, of course! I've just about given up on Design your Life... it's in the too hard basket until school holidays, but I didn't think it was too much to ask to steal 15 minutes a day to put together a page (that is already made) with some words... but then, I wasn't expecting hubby to be driving around the countryside this week (and he's gone again today), so the prompt yesterday came through just as hubby got home... it took me almost two hours to read it! Then I got a brilliant idea, googled for a picture, and kept crashing firefox... grr!!

I'm behind with a project I've been working on for a friend who had a bub in October... I really need to tattoo that to my head! Taking Caiden and Lana to sort out immunisation this morning so they can go to daycare, but dad has lost the paperwork, so he's headed for Medicare to get it... then we're off to mums group... Hopefully, Nat will sleep well this afternoon, cause she woke up early again today!!

Now I'm rambling, so off to do some other stuff....


**ETA** Nat slept two and a half hours! I got the journalling on my page finished, but haven't tizzied it up, cause she woke up just as I finished printing... we didn't get to mums group, all the kids fell asleep on the way home from immunisations... I got a bit more done on my project, will keep plodding with that, it's got to be ready for Sunday...

1 comment

  1. Hehe someone should invent temporary tattoos for those of us with mommy brains!! :) I'd buy them!


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