Thursday, 19 August 2010

can I borrow that idea?


with six kids at various times, I could definately use some help with sortiing clutter!
at the moment, we just chuck it all in a box, which isn't working for anyone!

{found via organising your way on tumblr}

I would still love to work out crochet, I just can't seem to get the hang of NOT pulling the tail too tight.

{found via karen grunberg on tumblr}

Do you use tumblr? I have had an account for awhile, but haven't really used it. Until today.

Elizabeth Dillow is teaching Inspiration Defined at BPS again, and on day one she suggests setting up a tumblr account to collect inspiration during the course. And then she points out where to find the "share on tumblr" button! She made my day with that snippet, and has made using tumblr a little bit easier! (If you're friends with me on facebook, you know that I share links that inspire me there, now I can do it via tumblr too!)

A trick I just learned tonight - if you click on the "directory" tab up the top, it will randomly share a list of other tumblr blogs - I got "book deals", "sports", "fashion" "animals" just by clicking!


  1. Hi Cate ~ I love the two photos you chose for this post! I haven't used tumblr, but I have learned to crochet this past year. I'm certainly no expert, but I have mastered the granny square quite well! The trick to not pulling the yarn too tight is practice, practice, practice. It took a long time to get the hang of that part, so keep at it!!! xo

  2. You've reminded me that I really need to get back to using tumblr again :)


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