Tuesday, 17 August 2010

a history of camping in photos and words

Some time ago, I shared a post that inspired me to say to the family "let's go camping" We finally got there last weekend. We were one child down, because Chloe has whooping cough, but it was definately an adventure.

We had planned to get away from home by 1pm, but it was 3pm before we finally had the car packed and ready to go.

We went to a national park site, called Archer, just an hour's drive from home. I have always said my one requirement for camping is a toilet, and this site fulfilled that need!

We bought our tent off ebay, because that was the cheapest option at the time. We only practiced setting it up once, in our rumpus room, so really had no idea how long it would take to be ready. It took an hour.

I had no plans to hold Riley all day and keep him clean, I just let him roam around. He wasn't concerned about the dirt, and happily crawled after the kids as they checked everything out. He was even very good around the fire.

The other requirement for camping is a campfire for toasting marshmallows. The kids don't like toasted marshamllows on chocolate coated biscuits (kind of s'mores-style), but the marshmallows were pretty good, and they loved being allowed to do the toasting themselves.

A kookaburra came to visit in the morning. (we left all clocks in the car, so we have no idea just how early the kids woke us up, but it was early. And cold.)

We are already planning our next trip.


  1. Oh, Cate, I'm so excited that you and your family had this camping trip together. And I'm even happier that you plan to do it again! Camping is something that we really enjoy. So glad you let Riley roam and explore too. Your pictures are fun - makes me want to pack up the truck and head out this weekend!!!

  2. Looks like the kids had a brilliant time. So good to let them go out and do something different. Bet Riley had the time of his life exploring in all that dirt!

  3. Wow - this makes me want to go camping (only been once and no plans to go again) but it sounds like you all had a great adventure. xx

  4. Great title for your post :) It looks like a lot of fun - did the kids sleep ok or was staying up half the night included in the fun?!

  5. I'm catching up with blog reading earlier than I thought! Woo hoo! Love the pics, and a kookaburra would not be a site I would see here while camping. So cool!


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