Thursday, 17 March 2011

have you fallen into the trap?

... of buying your own presents? It was one thing when it was just Chloe and I, and I was the only person around to take her shopping for my birthday/Mothers Day/Christmas, but now there's a husband involved. And more children. And a brother. And still more children.

Oh... maybe that's why I buy my own presents... because it's easier than listening to the husband complaining about the kids misbehaving in the shops. Or buying the same thing two years in a row (yes, I love the purple, fluffy dressing gown I got for Mothers Day. The pink love heart covered one from the following year, not so much)

But, even my mother does it now. You remember last year when she did such a great job of picking presents? This year she just put money into my account so I could order what I wanted myself. I got the lino carving tools and alpha numeric punches I was after, but it's just not the same.

So, I'm taking a stand. It's two months until Mothers Day, and nine months until Christmas. Plenty of time for me to drop hints and you to take notice. Family, you are being put on notice - I AM NOT BUYING MY OWN PRESENTS ANY MORE,

Have you fallen into the trap?


  1. Definitely not! It's a slippery slope..

  2. I've been very fortunate - Robbie always shops for me and buys me wonderful gifts. I know that makes me a little spoilt. (And I secretly love it!) Congrats on taking a stand.

  3. YAYYYYYY FOR YOU! Stand strong! I am giving in to something that hasn't even been requested yet lol. DH will not buy me jewelry without my input and our 25th anniversary is in June. I am taking my son's girlfriend with me and spending a day looking at rings. We are going to take pics of EVERY ring I like so he will have a photos, a WIDE price range lol and so many to choose from that I will be surprised and it will be his choice :)

  4. I had fallen in, but then climbed my way out when daughter was old enough to give good advice to my husband. It's better this way!

  5. We are not too bad, every now and then it happens, but my bug bear is being asked constantly by family members what to buy the children for Christmas and it is only APRIL - good grief, I have more to think about than Christmas presents in April! This response to you is made in anticipation of what is to come next month ;-)

  6. I have to drop very heavy hints or even supply shop links and catalogue numbers or I end up with things like a garden strimmer (Mothers Day), four handbags (Xmas, Birthday, Birthday, Xmas from the SAME person), saucepans (Xmas) ... but it does take the magic out of it!


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