Wednesday, 28 September 2011

100 days to Christmas | Christmas decor love

Today's guest post is from Antonella. She doesn't blog anymore, but we met through the scraptherapy forum a few years ago.
Christmas is one of my most loved festivities of the year, it just super excites me, but the one thing that gets me going the most is Christmas Decorations & trimming the tree.

In the months leading up to Christmas each year I spend endless hours browsing the internet for the latest and greatest decorations for the season and I am the first person lining up at BIG W & Myer buying my tree trimmings.

So with just over 3 months to go I have already been skimming for ideas for this Christmas, even though we haven’t got a “Home” as such this Christmas as we are in the process of building our new house we will be living with our family, I thought why not bring some of my love of decorating into their home

I love this idea of a wreath (Yes I know they have been around for a long time but they never cease to amaze me each year and this year I would love to try and make it – Time Permitting of course) even if I make a smaller version to put up on my Sons Bedroom Door

My other favourite thing to decorate at Christmas time is the table – I set my table on the 1st of December and leave it there until Boxing day – It brings such a warm feel to my home and I can’t wait coming home each day after work and walking into my house with the smell of Christmas in my home

Each Year I ask my husband to take me somewhere where I can have a white Christmas – maybe one day we will but this is what I imagine a white Christmas decorated home would look like 

I also love decorating with Candles – I have soo many Christmas Candles and flavours my house is just filled with the scent of Christmas for whole of December

This year I have been lucky enough to try some of the new party lite Christmas flavours and my favourite is called :- Peppermint Snow – Its just the most amazing smell and has all those elements to remind you of Christmas 

Here are some of the amazing decorating Items Party Lite has this season that I have now on order

This is a gingerbread House Tea Light holder 
Reed Diffuser 
Little Tea Light Holders

Well I hope you enjoyed my favourite things about Christmas & Happy Decorating
Ant xxx 
Thank you for your guest post, Antonella... and the link to party lite, think I might have to go window shopping!
Do you incorporate ideas from others in your Christmas decor, or does it have to be uniquely you?


1 comment

  1. Nice post Antonella...Ilove decorating for Christmas...I have a DEPT 56 Christmas Village (North Pole) which goes up for DD's birthday on Nov 30th, then everything comes out over the next week !
    Alison xx


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