Saturday, 24 December 2011

100 days to Christmas | merry Christmas Eve!

While I'm listening to kids bickering, thinking of the mountain of presents to wrap, ignoring the pile of dishes and wondering why I do this to myself every.single.year. pinterest is already sharing ideas for next year.

Source: via Cate on Pinterest

I love Christmas baking. I'm thinking it's time to start exploring Christmas cakes and puddings, not just biscuits.

We've never had a table centrepiece. I think next year, the kids will be big enough to make something special for our table.

Perfect little teacher gifts for the kids to make.
(although the little seed pots I bought were well received)

We don't have any glass ornaments, but packing like this would be perfect for the precious kid ornaments to keep glitter in place.

I didn't make gifts for my fellow playgroup mums this year, but food in jars would be something Riley and I can do together next year.


1 comment

  1. May I make a suggestion - stay away from Pinterest until Dec 27th and get on with your chores!!


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