Wednesday, 1 February 2012

month in numbers | January

I love reading Julie's posts every month. I just decided today, right this very second, I need to do my own post to share our January. I have exactly 23 minutes to write it.

2 - number of children who started school in January

5 - number of days he said "no homework tonight"

2 - number of times I cried over this girl

1 - number of train trips in January

17 - number of times I didn't use the treadmill

1 - number of trips to the duck pond
(too many ducks to count)

What did your January look like in numbers?


  1. Love the pictures... your children are beautiful. X

  2. Hi Cate.

    You're welcome to join in any time - whenever you decide. And I think from deciding to join in to producing a post in 10 minutes is pretty good going!

    If it makes you feel any better, I didn't use a treadmill for all 31 days in January ...

    Your post is on the Month in Numbers Pinterest board now:

    Thanks again for joining me.

    Julie :-)


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