Tuesday, 10 July 2012

10 things on the tenth

This is the first 10 things I've been on time for all year

ETA - somehow, my intro is gone. This is my list of blog post ideas for July.

150 days to Christmas - there was a great response from readers about writing guest posts for the 2012 project, so much so that a whole new topic idea has come out - Christmas in other countries! Keep an eye out for more information on July 28th

Scouting - there is a wealth of knowledge about scouting, but most of it is locked away inside dens and leaders, not easily shareable. Or there's no new voices online. So I'm going to start sharing some of the information that I find.

Brisbane blog buddies - I've share before that the Australian blogosphere is growing at a very quick pace. There's a group of bloggers pretty local to me who are all looking for support to take their blogs to "the next level" (in whatever way that means to each blogger). Our first meeting is this week, and it's bound to be a huge learning-about-other-people session, way out of my comfort zone!

How do you define...? I've got a couple of definition questions I'm thinking about this month. Creativity is taking up a lot of brain space, and so is blogging.

Craft books - one of the topics we chose for posts over at and sew we craft was craft books. I don't have many books about sewing, but I have lots of scrapbooking books. It's been fun going through those books again, to write my post (you can check it out here)

What Do You Think? - as I work my way through the 31 days to a better blog ebook, I'll have questions for you, dear reader, about my blog. And it's a good excuse to play with survey monkey.

Less pinterest more do - at the end of the month, I'll pick a scrapbooking layout from my boards, and share it in the hopes that someone will be prompted to venture out and create something, me included.

Keyword searches - I don't know much about SEO, but I enjoy looking through google analytics to see what searches have brought people to me. The most searched for words that land people on my blog are "chicken spinach filo", and about six other variations and combinations.

A secret project - I don't often get involved in PR opportunities, but I was recently chosen by one of the big supermarkets to trial some new products, which I'll be doing later this month.

Blog love - I've got an idea for sharing some blog love for some of my regular readers and commenters.

To see more 10 on the tenth posts, head to Shimelle's blog


  1. Well, you have been very busy! Looking forward to our meeting on Thursday!

  2. You're going to be busy. I look forward to reading all this

  3. It certainly sounds like some interesting stuff coming up on the blog this month. I like the idea of Chistmas in different countries, and I'm headed off now to check out your craft books post.

  4. Sounds like a good blogging month! I am never so organised!!
    Alison xx

  5. Nice list - I look forward to your posts! :)

  6. those sound like some great ideas!

  7. I am thoroughly impressed, that is an extensive and great list. looking forward to you being here a lot! I think I remember you having a meetup in the last year that you were a little timid about but having a very nice time (am I right or am I confused?) Anyway I know you are going to make some great friends with your Brisbane Buddies :)

  8. VERY nice post! I also have 31 days to a better blog, and may have to get busy on that myself!


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