Monday, 10 February 2014

hello monday

a cloudy, but fun Sunday morning trip to the beach
hello, baking, 3 weeks back at school, the novelty will wear off soon so I'll keep enjoying it!

hello, craft room, Steve's stuff is out, time to put my stuff in!

hello, craft group, one day I'll work on something crafty

hello, freezer, almost empty, time for a restock

hello, Monday, a new start every week


  1. Ooh, that sounds exciting, getting to move your stuff in! Hoping there will be a photo :). Speaking of which, thst's a lovely one of the little man ...

  2. Once you have all your stuff in, you will be totally inspired to create. Love this week's photo :)

  3. oh. my. god. is that really my little boy? he isn't so little anymore, in all honesty i didn't realise it was him. give him a big hug for me.


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