Saturday, 16 May 2015

Seen around the web

Today's prompt what have you been reading this week? Share your favourite links from the week, and don't forget to link up with the Ultimate Rabbit Hole linky.

Benefits of writing letters and postcards  |  HuffPost  |  "imagine the powerful message you convey when you actually write out your thoughts for another person by hand, purchase a stamp, physically deliver your note to a mailbox and wait days for your special someone to receive it."

52 Blog post topics for Creative Entrepreneurs  |  Blacksburg Belle  | or anybody who is looking for ideas for their editorial calendar.

A lifetime of YES moments  |  Lasso the Moon  |  This is something I'm still trying to figure out.

Why are conferences so cliquey?  |  Bon Bon Break  |  This was interesting reading, in light of the upcoming ProBlogger Event in August.

Tomorrow's prompt  quotable quote Share a quote that caught your eye this week

{life behind the purple door}



  1. Great links Cate! I love writing and receiving handwritten letters and cards! My mum always Insisted we wrote personal thank you letters to our overseas relatives and I'm so glad she did. The written word is so personal and important, especially in our digital age! And the 52 blog post ideas are great! I'll be bookmarking for future posts! Xx

  2. Loved reading about the blog post ideas and the blogging cliques. Thanks for linking up. Jx

  3. I did get into a little rabbit hole following some of your links today! LOL I especially enjoyed the article about writing letters and postcards. Just yesterday I wrote letters to my three nieces and am mailing them off today!

  4. I enjoyed especially the link though to the blogging ideas post, Cate, so thank-you!

  5. I am going to check out a few of your things you have read, they sound good

  6. Great links Cate especially the one about cliques. Thanks for linking up in the URH.


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