Monday, 17 October 2016

Hello Monday

hello vitamins For a few months now, I've felt foggy and stressed. A couple of weeks ago, Douglas had some blood tests as part of his wellness check up with Headspace. In the process of chatting to the doctor about what he needed help with as a result of those tests, she suggested that perhaps if Douglas was low in iron and magnesium,  the whole family was also low. So after spending a fortune at the chemist, we've all started taking vitamin supplements. Natalie, Riley and Sophie are just taking iron and vitamin C; Steve, Douglas and I are taking calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc. (I added the calcium, because I hardly consume any dairy products, and I'm getting to that age where calcium deficiency becomes an issue. So they take it too.) Man, just in a week, the difference is significant! My brain seems to feel switched on, the fog has lifted, I'm not stumbling over words and struggling to remember stuff.

hello planning Now that I'm feeling a little more like myself, I've got this crazy idea to start setting myself some goals and working towards them. I recently realised that, for me, making goals feel like chores and "must do's", means I push back against them and never follow through. I've been forgetting about embracing the Nike attitude and just doing it. This has really become self-evident to me, because I walk Daisy twice a day, every day. [Actually, Steve walked her this morning] Even in the rain, I put my shoes on when I get up, and again once the dishes are washed. And I need to tackle my tasks the same way.

hello writing It really has been eye opening to me to see the impact of taking these vitamin supplements. While I've suffered from low iron during pregnancy (and therefore never really noticed a huge change in the level of my energy) the clear-headedness that I'm feeling now means that I can get back to the things I've struggled to do for months. Top of that list is writing. There are Christmas posts to write, and a couple of outstanding reviews, and right now updates. 

hello job search Despite the best intentions of all concerned, Steve did actually lose his job last week. And while he is eligible for a redundancy package "when the company is liquidated", that could take up to 3 months. So he's tapping into every contact he has, scouring websites (who knew so many people advertised on Gumtree?) and driving me nuts while he's home.

hello family time It's always been hard to find things to do together that are suitable for all the kids to do. At the moment, we've landed on playing UNO (although Sophie doesn't really play, she climbs all over the table, and occasionally matches her card colours to ours) While Steve isn't working I want to try spend a bit more time playing.

hello Monday, a new start every week.

linking up with Denyse Whelan Blogs and One Mother Hen


  1. I took a course of iron and B vitamins last month and it really made a difference, Cate. Keep it up :)

  2. That is interesting to read about the differences in taking the vitamins isn't it? We take a few supplements here and the most important for me is Vitamin D. Even though we get outside, as we age (and we are in our 60s) vit D affects muscle strength too. I hope your hub finds work. That sucks with less than 3 months to end of the year. Thank you for linking up today for Life This Week.

  3. Happy Monday! Glad I popped in for a visit. Hope your week is wonderful!

  4. I haven't played Uno with the kids in ages; you've reminded me that it's time to whip out the cards again!

  5. Sorry to hear Steve lost his job, I hope he finds something ASAP xx
    I have een meaning to get UNO cards for ages, thanks for reminding me, I have to write that down somewhere so I don't forget.
    I have been feeling sluggish lately too, have just started taking vitamins again, just an all rounder. I can't seem to shake this cough either, I hardly ever get sick and I've been shocking this year.

  6. I have low iron too! Good to hear about your week and the ups and the downs .. hoping you have more ups than downs going forward!


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