Friday, 25 November 2016

Gingerbread Apple Pies

It's here at last! After weeks of talking about the amazingness that is gingerbread apple pies from the supermarket, I'm finally happy to share my very own homemade version with you! Believe me when I say that once you've made them, you'll be baking them for weeks to come, they're just that good!

I tried a few different recipes for gingerbread before I settled on this one. While some would say that if it's ginger, it's gingerbread, I would argue that the perfect gingerbread is dark and spicy and soft, the perfect match of flavours for apple.

Now, I have to be honest here, these process photos aren't from the final recipe that I'm sharing with you, but I completely forgot about taking photos of the final recipe, and I'm just too excited to finally share it with you to take new photos.

But I think you'll agree that it was worth the wait for the perfect recipe.

Recipe adapted from the December 2016 issue of Australian Women's Weekly

Makes 24 pies
125g butter, softened (½ cup, 1 stick)
½ cup treacle
½ cup brown sugar
1 egg
2 ½ cups plain (all purpose) flour
1 Tbs ground ginger
1 tsp ground cinnamon
¼ tsp ground nutmeg
apple pie filling

* cream butter, syrup and sugar until sugar is dissolved
* add egg, and mix well
* in a separate bowl, add dry ingredients, and whisk
* add flour to butter mix, mix until blended
* refrigerate dough 1 hour
* take half of the dough, make small balls, press into base of pan with fingers
* place one teaspoon of filling in each pastry base
* taking small balls of dough, either roll or flatten with hands to make lid
* bake 180°C (360F) for 17 minutes
* CAUTION filling is hot straight from oven, allow to cool slightly

If you're not a fan of gingerbread, this fruit mince pie pastry works for apple pies, too (I need to make some for Douglas this weekend.)

Please let me know if you try this recipe, tag #gingerbreadapplepies on instagram



  1. Yum!! They sound fab (and I bet they smell even better!) You could add them to the xmas link up on my page if you like, as there's nothing quite so xmas-y as the smell of Gingerbread!

  2. Looks great, I must give it a go.

  3. I can't wait to try this! I've been looking at your photos with anticipation! Yum!

  4. These looks so darn good. I would not be able to stop at one. Lol

  5. I often make gingerbread cookies for Christmas. This year I'm going to make these gingerbread apple pies. Thanks for sharing this recipe.

  6. OK, so now I need find one of those baking tins! Great recipe Cate :)


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