Saturday 6 October 2007

first LO's in 6mths

So, these are my LO's for the September kits over at LSBS - the first time I've scrapped since bub was born, and all honesty, the first time I've scrapped in over a year!! I thought the cardstock squares would look great, until I got the border against the green, and realised it blended in. Oh well, I'll know better next time!

I had pondered the boy lo for over an hour, was having no luck, so moved on, and the next day while reading a mag, inspiration struck, and an hr later, this is what I came up with.

I was pretty impressed with them. After seeing the stuff loaded into the gallery for the month, I know it doesn't stand a chance, but I was happy. I think they're both great photos, and I'm sure it won't be the last time I use them!!

We've just finished building a gate at the top of the stairs to stop bub crawling down them. It won't be long, and she'll be on the move - can't believe that tomorrow she'll be seven months old!!

1 comment

  1. LOVING your LO's!! They are soo good! Especially as they are the first LO's all YEAR!! They are FABUlOus!!
    Have a GREAT day!! :)
    Ruby xx


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