Tuesday, 20 November 2007

update on amy

Well, we saw the orthopaedic surgeon yesterday afternoon - yes, they do exist for cats and dogs!! (my gf looked after the big kids - her comment was "it's only a cat", and, yes, she is only a cat, but...) It's a clean break, up near the top of the femur, very easy to repair, should only require a plate and a couple of pins. There are some bone chips that will probably be removed, depending on how necessary they are to bone stability... Surgery is being done today, and she will be home when they feel she can move around comfortably by herself. Then it's 8wks bed rest, and no climbing or roads!!

And yes, it did cost as much as they said it would!! DH swore all the way home about how much animals keep costing him, but he couldn't make any other decision, either, the old softy ~lol~

1 comment

  1. Hope the surgery went well and Amy recovers quickly!

    Thanks for being part of Therapy Blog Bucks!

    Relsi xoxox


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