Sunday, 10 February 2008

finished - my first mini!

The challenge - use a corrugated cardboard box as the base and create an album about something you love...

The end result - was heaps of fun to make! You had to peel away some of the top layer to expose the corrugation, then paint, ink the edges, and stick away! I used photos of the kids from one afternoon playing outside with the water pistols and new swing set... they were both drenched and being silly and happy...

Being my first album, I wasn't really sure what I was doing in terms of embellishments - I had enough trouble with rubons that didn't stick!! But, as with most things, once I finished and couldn't change it, I had sparking brain waves ~lol~ but it was so easy, it will be simple to do more!! I can see why some people are hooked on them, and what a great way for the kids to have photos of their adventures!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. LOVE your mini books. Looks like alot of fun. I love creating fun stuff like this using the corrugated cb and paint lets out the inner child, making stuff just for fun. and mini books are great coz you have something completed where as the regular album is on going. and hey i just learnt how to do hyperlinks too. Leax from ST

  3. oops sorry i posted my comment twice. must be more patient with blogger:)


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