Monday, 14 March 2016

Hello Monday

hello 42 It's my birthday today. It doesn't feel like much of a celebration this year, we're so stressed from money problems, and teenage problems, and life that it feels easier to just let it slide past. But I'll bake a cake, and blow out candles with the kids, and cook my favourite dinner (potato bake and crumbed steak, still) and try to let the worry go until tomorrow.

hello cake baking Steve came to me yesterday as I was baking biscuits and said "do you think I could make your birthday cake?" An interesting discussion ensued about baking being easy if you follow the instructions, with the end result being that he's going to attempt (with his little helper) to make chocolate cake. And I'll supervise, from the couch, apparently. [It's more likely I'll be standing in the kitchen, armed with my camera]

hello craft room sorting One of the upsides of being broke is that we're slowly getting rid of crap (selling on eBay being one of the ways to bolster the meager bank account) This week, we're tackling the craft room, pulling out the stuff that has been "waiting to be sorted" and finally sorting it.

hello car parts About seven years ago, we bought a car for Steve that was old. There was a two-part plan to buying an old vehicle - firstly, we knew that the car aged well; secondly, we knew parts were easy to replace, and a lot of the work we could do ourselves. But we've had nothing but problems with the car every time we want to use it for anything other than running to the shops. So we let the registration lapse, while we tried to decide if it was worth saving or trashing. In the process of sorting through rooms we've found a random assortment of car parts that we purchased, but never replaced on the actual vehicle. Now we have to decide if we sell those parts, or we stash them away for a time when we can fix the car.

hello Monday, a new start every week

linking with Kelly, Kirsty and Alicia


  1. Happy birthday :) Wish I was 42 again... wish I was 52 again! Have a great one Cate.

  2. Happy birthday, I hope you have a good one

  3. Happy birthday to you Cate! It's my brother's birthday today, as well as a good friend of mine, so you're in good company. It's mine next week, and I will be letting it slide by quietly too, as there are too many other important things to focus on right now. I hope you have a lovely day anyway - and enjoy your fave dinner tonight :-)

  4. Happy Birthday! I hope the cake making goes well.

  5. Happy birthday Cate :) Enjoy the cake.

  6. Happy birthday and have a lovely day

  7. Happy birthday and I hope you get that chocolate cake!

  8. Happy birthday!!! The best cakes are always made by someone else ;)

  9. Happy Birthday Cate! I know it would be hard but try to enjoy your day and keep those worries at bay. I do like your pic above - beautiful x

  10. Wishing you a happy day and hoping for good things for you in the year ahead. Things sound tough right now :(. I remember Mary Berry of cake-baking fame saying that cooking was an art but baking was a science. Hoping they rise nicely to the challenge!

  11. I hope you have had a great day, in spite of the other concerns surrounding you.Be sure to let us all know how your cake turns out :) #MummyMondays

  12. Happy birthday, I know the cake was delicious since it was baked with love :)

  13. Happy birthday to my birthday twin! Hope that cake was delicious and that you managed to relax and enjoy your day x

  14. Happy Birthday! I hope the cake baking goes well. When they've finished that, maybe they can get onto your dinner. Your Birday celebrations sound like our family's. This year mine did slide by with nothing much happening yet again. No presents, no cake. I hope you take some time out to relax and put the everyday worries aside. I also hope this year improves a bit for you. Money is always a stressful thing, even when you try not to make it one.

  15. Missed your actual birthday! Happy Birthday. It does sound like you are making all the effort you can to ensure you guys are Ok. I DO remember those days of selling on eBay just to keep heads above water. I wish you well as time moves on. Denyse

  16. I find it hard not to supervise in the kitchen. It's a nice gesture for them to do the baking for you. I hope it was good!


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