Monday, 12 October 2015

Hello Monday

hello, baking. I wasn't as far ahead with the baking as I thought, and the idea of getting ahead over the weekend was foiled when I ran out of a heap of ingredients (gingerbread without golden syrup is just sugar cookies) And I had a moment yesterday when I thought I wanted to throw in the towel and just give up. Then I baked some more cookies, and I was sorted. This week there will be shortbread, snickerdoodles, orange cookies and gingerbread.

hello, new ideas. I talk about stumbling over ideas regularly, but I don't often act on them. This time, I spent time writing the ideas down, fleshing them out on paper, researching to follow up, and telling others about the ideas for accountability. Which leads nicely to the next point.

hello, Christmas. It's 74 sleeps to Christmas, just ten Fridays left. And starting this Saturday, there will be a series of posts right here with tips and ideas for getting ready without too much overwhelm. I'll be working right alongside you, and together, we'll get ready for Christmas.

hello, playground. Getting out of the house is hard. I mean, I walk everyday with the kids to school, and extend it with a walk around the block. But actually getting out of the house, other than going to the supermarket once a week, is hard. So it's a little bit exciting to be heading to the playground this morning to meet Toni for a play and grown up chat. And Steve's got days off for the rest of the week, so we can get out with the kids after school a bit, too.

hello, Monday, a new start every week.

linking up with Kirsty, Alicia and Eva.


  1. I can't wait for the playground, I need to get out of the house too and the child needs to run free for a bit.

  2. One more day of school holidays here. I honestly didn't want them to end. Not looking forward to having to be back in an early morning routine but looking forward to less distractions in my home office.

  3. Christmas is not around the corner.. I am still recovering from last year lol

  4. Hope you have a great week Cate!

    BTW - emailed you about my cookies, let me know if you'd like to include them in your series. :)

  5. OMG Christmas is nearly here and so many birthdays too between now and then. My credit card will be weeping very soon. :)

    dropping by from #penslather
    Suzy at Someday Somewhere

  6. Don't talk to me about Xmas - I have a 10 yo birthday and party to get through first. Then I might start to think about Xmas...argh!!!

  7. Oooh I love orange bickies. Getting out of the house is so important for me. It seems I am tied to this house some days and the only place I go is to the supermarket or to school pickup. It's scary how close Christmas is, and how much stuff is on in between. I try not to think about it, but have put it all in my phone, so I will have to deal with it as it comes. I am going to be exhausted by Christmas!

  8. I am so sad school holidays are over. My kids only had a week as they go to school in the NT. And their flight was cancelled so they came almost a day late. And they didn't get a public holiday on the Monday, so I didn't even get a full week with them. Sob. But the time we had was lovely. And I keep telling myself it won't be long until January (which is when I get to see my two). I did some baking too. I always substitute honey if I run out of syrup in the gingerbread biscuits, but everyone can always taste the difference! Another baking fail ...

  9. Hoping you enjoy the getting out and about :). I am not sure I am ready to think about Christmas, though! But I will read your tips with interest :). We don't have snickerdoodles over here, so I am looking forward to your recipe.

  10. Christmas?! I'm not ready to think about that yet. Although when you pointed that out, I realised it's closer than I think


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