Sometimes, staying enthusiastic about an idea is really hard. Especially when you realise the efoort actually involved in the enthusiastic idea.
So in order not give up completely, you revert to the path of least effort, in hops of reigniting the spark of passion.
Simple usually works best, just like these biscuits are pretty awesome, even for their plain ingredients and flavours. Make a fresh cup of tea, and eat a couple without worrying about spoiling your dinner.
125g butter, softened
1/2 cup caster sugar
1Tbs golden syrup
1Tbs milk
1tsp bicarb soda
1 & 1/2 cups plain flour
* cream butter and sugar until light and creamy
* heat golden syrup and milk in microwave 20 seconds
* add bicarb soda to milk mixture
* add milk misture to butter mixture, stir well to combine
* add flour, mix well
* roll into balls, place on tray, press gently with fork
Simple is often best, I'll take two of these with a cup of tea this afternoon :)