Friday 4 April 2008


Do you? Cybercrop, that is? Until recently, I didn't have any friends nearby who scrap, and I have always struggled with motivating myself, so I hang out in a lot of scrapping forums - the challenges quite often push me outside my boundaries, and make me scrap to a time limit, as well!!

This weekend I'll be checking out two cybercrops - mystical scrapbooks, and scraptherapy. Over at scraptherapy, the monthly theme is "one little word" (I think they called it something slightly different, but if you know AE, you know what I'm talking about!), so all our challenges will be based on that word concept... I'm sticking with my one little word - PLAY - so I'm hoping there's some challenges to really, well, challenge me ~roflmao ~ I'm not sure what the theme is at mystical, suppose I should check that out before I sign up for anything, right?!

Time to break up the children's fight before sending them on their way for the last day of the school term - oh happy happy joy joy holidays are here...

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