Tuesday, 5 August 2014

review and giveaway | shoezooz from Tiptoe & Co

I was gifted 2 sets of shoezooz for review purposes

available from Tiptoe&Co, $7.50 a pack {free shipping}

At almost 5 years old, Riley has been independently dressing himself for quite some time now. But he has always struggled with getting his shoes on the right feet. I haven't been too worried about it, because Douglas struggled at the same age, so I just figured it was par for the course.

So when I was asked to review shoezooz, I thought it would be a good opportunity to help Riley get a little bit more independence, finally figuring out how to get his shoes on properly first time (and hopefully make those busy mornings move a little quicker!)

He chose the whale for his shoes, and helped me take it off the backing and stick it in his shoe. Then I showed him how to put the puzzle pieces together, and pointed out the words to him. Nat was pretty excited by this point, eager to help him spell the words so he could start learning for school next year.

He's had the stickers in his shoes for a month now, and they haven't moved in the shoe (my biggest worry.) He's also managed to get his shoes on without asking for help, even in the rush to get to the wedding. I'll be adding them to his shoes for the next little while, to give him a visual aid while he's learning to read.

For your chance to win one of three sets of Shoezooz, follow the rafflecopter prompts

{linking up with Essentially Jess}

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What a sensational idea! My son is about to turn 4 and could really do with these.

  2. That is a great idea. Favourite breakfast - cereal (well that's more of a convenient breakfast). Otherwise maybe pancakes. Yum

  3. This is great! My fave breakfast is croissants with tomato and cheese!

  4. Shoes are so important for small bones!! These are gorgeous!
    My favourite breakfast, pancakes, bacon, cream, blueberries and a big glass of pineapple juice!!

  5. What a nifty little idea! We're making progress with our lefts and rights, but this would definitely give us a helping hand.

  6. These would be perfect for my daughter, always wearing her shoes on the wrong feet. I enjoy mylactose free yoghurt every morning

  7. My husband still needs these! He really struggled for a long time with the kids' shoes. It baffled me! #teamIBOT

  8. Mmmmm, I know a four year old who could use a few of these....

  9. bacon & poached eggs ;) carly

  10. A bowl of muesli for me,
    With fruit, that’s almost calorie free!
    A dollop of yoghurt on the top,
    That may sound like a lot!

  11. I love a serving of french toast for breakfast, healthy as well as quick and easy to make, and so delicious!

  12. Fantastic idea! My 4 year old loves being independent and putting his own shoes on but most times it's the wrong feet! Favourite brekky for my little men is good old Weet bix and milk!

  13. Porrige with honey and banana.

  14. A bacon and egg sandwich :)

  15. What a fantastic idea! My son is 4.5 and loves to be independent but definitely struggles with which foot is which - this would be perfect to help him figure it out all by himself!

  16. And, my favourite breakfast is poached eggs and avocado! But because the boys rule this house, breakfast usually ends up being porridge - their favourite instead!

  17. Sharon Markwell8 August 2014 at 08:40

    I go through phases of liking different things. In winter it is oats, and summer it is a low fat cereal, but if on holiday, I eat everything in sight.

  18. Love to mix it up with my breakfast....enjoy all types such as crumpets smothered in honey, porridge, toast or even cereal.

  19. Sweet Potato Breakfast Smoothie. Sweet potato, milk, Raw vanilla prebiotic protein, walnuts, cinnamon and turmeric. Absolutely amazing to drink, slightly warmed on cold winter mornings.

  20. Fruit and natural muesli

  21. French toast, bacon and maple syrup. Yum!!

  22. I love Bacon and Eggs, with a side of cooked mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach. With a hot strong coffee to have with it.

  23. French toast with maple syrup and ricotta cheese

  24. Vanilla yoghurt and granola, divine

  25. Toasted crumpets smothered in butter.Peanut butter and honey.Washed down with a nice strong short black.

  26. Wow! Shoezooz are a fabulous idea! Our favourite, special treat breakfast is nutella & strawberry filled French toast sandwiches. Delicious!


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