Tuesday, 22 April 2008

tuesday 2peas challenge...

close your eyes and write what comes into your head...

Just back from watching Douglas run cross country... he came sixth!!

Tomorrow is going to be busy, school assembly for ANZAC day service, followed by mums group if I can make it on time....

Stacey's test was positive!! Yippee, now to wait four weeks to find out how many bubs on board!!

Amanda thinks we were joking about helping out with Cody when she goes back to work... She'll realise eventually we're serious about helping friends out!

(they both read this blog, so they're sure to read this post at some stage in the next few days)

Didn't take any photos of the scrapbook mafia yesterday - I'm serious about getting a photo and submitting to SM!

I don't think I want to get caught up in the whole "submission of LOs" thing, but I'd love to be good enough one day to be on a design team somewhere - I have visions of helping out in a shop somewhere....

A couple of other girls who scrap with us told us yesterday they're thinking about opening a scrap shop... first problem is it's the quickest way to destroy a friendship, working with friends, second problem is they're both creative memories scrappers - and one swears she'll never scrap any other way!!

I'm reading "the kite runner" for next month's bookclub - a must read if you ever get the chance! I'm really enjoying it!!

Got to make a white choc mud cake for a friends birthday on the weekend... gonna use this recipe, it's awesome, give it a try!

Think I've rambled enough... one random thought always leads to another!!

1 comment

  1. Hey there! Thanks for your post on my blog! I'll read it better when I get home! Glad you like the accent! ;) I do my best to keep it! :D Love your 2peas challenge entry too!
    Looking forward to reading your blog again in the future!


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