Saturday, 31 May 2008

a week of scrappiness...

This first LO is for the "Make Believe Masters" at scraptherapy... not quite the idea I had in my head when I blanket stitched the cardstock a week ago, but something I'm happy with all the same!

This was a "just because" LO - I wanted to play with the fabric, and the bazzill in stitch'z templates, too...

This was for the sketch challenge at LSBS the weekend before last - I didn't enter it, cause I wasn't happy with it fitting the criteria, but I love the photos and cherry arte paper...

Belinda's black, white and colour class at scraptherapy - cosmo cricket and some great photos again!

And my first acrylic album! Not the best picture in the world, but a fun job anyway... I ended up laminating the pages once they had photos - my acrylic was a bit thin - the embellishing over top of that... all kaisercraft products, which would have to be second in my stash only to basic grey!

I'm feeling the need to be scrappy again - off to hunt out some photos - happy scrapping!


  1. Hey purplecrazymum I check out your blogspot regularly.

    I did email you several weeks ago, not sure if you got the email.

    Anyway checking out your blog is a good way to keep up with what you are doing.

    Take care

  2. Wow!! Even with two bubba's to look after you are still finding time to scrap.


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