Wednesday, 11 June 2008

a wednesday update....

It was DH's birthday yesterday - we're a little broke, so he didn't get any presents, but we cooked dinner at home and just enjoyed an evening together with the kids....

Finally made it to mums group today!! Haven't been for so long!! Nat was very clingy, didn't want to play with anything or anyone until everyone left, then she came out of her shell!!

Ordered these awesome alphabet stamps today - we ordered series 15 and 16 a couple of weeks ago, but 15 is sold out... can't wait to get my hands on these alphas!

No scrapping ATM - DH has been on a cleaning frenzy, sorting boxes out (we've lived here for a year now, and haven't unpacked everything, and we also have a storage unit that is STILL full of stuff, and has been for TWO years!)... and the girls didn't come on Monday, cause of the holiday - I realised by the end of the day just how much I look forward to having that time with them!

That's all folks!


1 comment

  1. I look forward to the time with you guys too - I missed my Monday scrapping!


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