Tuesday, 1 July 2008

books and magazines.....

So, some Tuesday randomness... what books or magazines capture your imagination? What are the ones that you come back to time and time again?

I subscribe to scrapbooking memories, and have done for a couple of years now - but I'm finding it terribly frustrating, and have done for some time now... It's frustrating me, becuase I think something must be up if I can name the children in the LOs! I'm hoping that will start to change now, cause I'm seeing more and more of the women I know through forums being published - if I know the kids through the forum, that's one thing, but I'm talking about knowing kids names from being published!!

I discovered creating keepsakes just before Christmas, and now subscribe to the US edition (it was WAY cheaper - two years for $A86, compared to $A90-something for 1 year in Asutralia!)... it's one of those "I read it for the articles" types of magazines - there's lots of complaints on twpeas that it doesn't contain as many LOs as it used to, but for a relative newbie, it's awesome!

Scrapbook Creations was another that I first picked up for the awesome articles... it gave me other ideas for techniques and LOs that I wouldn't ordinarily think of by myself, and I like being able to push myself!

Rounding out the Australian market is For Keeps, which has now become For Keeps Creative Paper... I recieved my digital copy this morning, so have to check it out to see what it's like!!

I think I buy most of the scrapping magazines from the US and Australia - cause I also get Simply Scrapbooks, which I'm still not sure about... I get every second copy, cause once I'm reading it, nothing rally inspires me, but something on the cover caught my eye!

BHG Scrapbooks Etc would have to be my absolute favourite! I wish they would hurry up and allow you to subscribe online! And make their special editions available to order online, too!! I got my newsagent to order in the page planner mag... $A32 later I love it, but it wouldn't have cost so much if there wasn't a couple of middlemen in the middle!!

I just bought Simple Scrapbooks Shortcuts with Quizzes and Questions on ebay (turns out it's two years old), but it's going to be so much fun adding another dimension to my LOs, especially of the kids!

I also got the new Donna Downey book "fabric scrapbooking"... handy with my new sewing machine that I finally picked up last week (but have yet to remove from the box ~lol~)

Hands up who doesn't have "life artist" by Ali Edwards? I know I was living under a rock for a long time, but this book rocks! I'm a bit slack about doing anything with it, but I have read it from cover to cover twice now!

And I've just ordered some books form Amazon.com (why do they say it takes 1 month to ship to Australia, when I know that it will probably be here in less than two weeks?) I've ordered "big picture scrapbooking" by Stacy Julian (I also want "photo freedom", but I thought I'd give this one a go first), "that's Life" from Nic Howard (cause I love the idea of scrapping everyday stuff... at least if I have the books to support it, people won't look so strangely at me when they go through my albums and find a LO of my toilet ~lol~) and "the creative family" by Amanda Blake Soule, which I think I found through Ali's or Emily's blog (or maybe both at different times?!) I'm so looking forward to getting these little pieces of inspiration!

{didn't I say all those months ago that once I figured it out, my posts would be littered with links?!}


  1. Followed your link from 2 peas and enjoyed reading your review of all the different publications.

    Thanks to the current exchange rate we can get all kinds of amazing deals these days and it helps to get some one else's opinon.

    Nice pages you are posting to your blog.

  2. I used to subscribe to Creating Keepsakes and Simple Scrapbooks. Then I found out that tyey have them at the local library that I can check out for a few days. Yippee! If there's a lo that I really like, I photocopy it and put it in my idea binder. Lots cheaper for me :) Might be something to check into :)


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