Monday, 4 January 2010

my brain dump

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{The heart of blogging is linking... linking and commenting.
Connecting and communicating - the purpose of the internet.
George Siemens}

I have been wandering the internet for the last few days (thanks to Google Reader, and lots of links) and formulating all sorts of ideas for our year of CHANGE. I'm hoping that I can keep up with myself as the year progress, I have a terrible habit of not following through! I'm still working out which ideas I've seen I *might* be able to keep up with, but I'll share some links anyway (got to love that "share on Facebook button" and "bookmark on Delicious", both of which I have only discovered and utilised in the last couple of months, along with the "subscribe" button and Google Reader.)

  • I found this list, via momversations, via Today's Mama
  • someone (sorry, I didn't write down who) linked to this flickr group, looks like a fun way to make my "gotta move more" idea a bit more accountable
  • This post from Don Miller resonated with me - I took a class at uni about the narratives we tell, and feel the urge to dig some of the class notes out again to guide me
  • an A-Z year is giving me ideas about helping the big boy with his reading and spelling, and doing something different as well (and will probably make a cute scrapbook, too!) {some FAQs here}
  • I purchased the Memory Log Book, and have been using it. It's given me lots of ideas for putting together my own diary for next year - mostly because the way I write my important stuff is different to the way the book is set out.
  • an awesome reading list over at this challenge, I like that you can re-read for this one, there's some books on the list I have read and loved, and should probably read again!
  • Have you checked out postcrossing? Like bookcrossing, only with postcards! (I never got into bookcrossing, I can't get rid of books, even when they are water damaged)
  • I haven't explored fully, but this looks like an interesting challenge, too.
  • Project 365 always looks good to me, but once again, I don't think I could keep up. Instead, my intention is to just pick up the camera once a day, and take a photo. I'm liking the look of these photo overlays from Ali Edwards, and now that I've finally started "frame ups" class from Jessica Sprague, I can use them, too!

1 comment

  1. I've been wondering about getting that Memory Log Book. It looks like a great idea. Happy New Year Cate!


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