Friday, 7 May 2010

5 {projects in May} on Friday

Inspired by Francine Clouden

{available here}
start creating the envelopes for 1st birthday invitations
I always find the envelopes are the hardest thing to do, so like to address them first
I do the same thing at Christmas time, last year I finished my envelopes in August

Mel put a call out for class ideas, and opted to host a blog hop
so I decided to play along
{if only I knew what an Altoids tin was?!}

look away now, Mum


I've never been good at remembering to send my mum a present for her birthday, or Mother's day
(this year, they are one day apart, and Chloe's birthday is the 12th, hence the forgetting)
but when I saw these canvases, I knew exactly what she was getting this year
{6 of them!}
I'm just running late with them, but they'll be in the mail by the end of the month!
(and I'll use paper, not fabric)

I have a friend who's a celebrant, and she needs some chair sashes
I'm hoping I can do a good enough job for her

And I'll keep up with my p365
I have January to March in a photo album already
and it's great fun to look back on our year already.

1 comment

  1. Great photos and inspiration, Cate. I'm doing the "All about me" project too. :o) Altoids are breath mints that come in a small tin can...I'm sending you a separate email. Have a great weekend! xo


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