Thursday, 5 August 2010

who turned the light on?

Light Bulb No. 1

I tongue-in-cheek posted last week that I have lots of ideas, but lack follow through, and asked if that made me super-creative, or just lazy. I wasn't really looking for an answer, but it's something that has been on my mind lately. A friend shared a link with me via facebook yesterday - someone was looking for handmade items to be sold in a bricks and mortar store, and my friend thought of me. I told her I wasn't really sure, and after a bit of to-and-fro-ing, where she gave me some food for thought, I switched off and sewed up the quilt in the previous post.

Then I sat down with a pen and paper, and started writing some blog posts out longhand. Even in this time of electronics, I prefer paper and pen to keep me on track. What I wrote is -

I want to be THAT mum, you know, the one who can turn any idea into an opportunity to make something (and it would be nice to make a small amount of money from the creating), but I have a huge stumbling block - ME!

While I was writing my brain was whirling 100miles a minute, as it does when I have an idea, and I started thinking about a comment I made to Elizabeth last week, I wish I had half your imagination, and then I had a flash! I'm in the imitation phase of a new path! If you've listened to Stacy Julian's podcasts, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. If not, let me explain (but please listen to Stacy's podcast on creative growth, she explains it much better than I can)

Discovery is the first step of creative growth. Getting inspiration from blogs, magazines, forums, galleries, classes.

Imitation is next - listening to the voices of others, scraplifting, using sketches, creating from tutorials.

Divergance is the actual doing on your own. You have found your own way and you sail away from the shore

Crisis is the last step. The only cure for a crisis is curiosity and discovery. you must be willing to change passion, support group...

Everyone can find creative growth.

Where am I going with this? Well, I've realised that my passions are changing. I'm not as passionate about scrapbooking as I was, but I am embracing it as a part of the craftyness in my life. It's okay if I want to sew together blocks of fabric for blankets instead of scrap, because I am making. It's okay if I play with paint, and paper, and canvases, and fabric, and photos, because I am making.

Oh, and that opportunity my friend told me about? I'm not going to go with that one, but I'm going to knuckle down, stop procrastinating, and get on with making the few things I have ideas for, and then see where that takes me.


  1. Wow Cate, I read lots of blogs but am often too lazy to leave comments...but you're worth of one!!!!!!! Your'e such ain inspiration :) Cant wait to see where this all takes you!

  2. This is a great post Cate :) (I write mine out longhand too - I have a journalist friend who tells me that I need to learn how to "compose on the keyboard" but I'm ignoring him!)

    I've been thinking lately about the different crafts I do too. I have found that blogging has helped me to turn back to some of my first loves like knitting because I want to make nice things to show on my blog. I can't wait to see what you make next.


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