Sunday, 2 January 2011

we're okay!

It seems that news of the flooding in Queensland is making it's way around the world, so I just wanted to let everyone know that we are okay.

We live in Brisbane, which is the capital of the state, tucked down in the bottom corner, known locally as the "south east corner". While the area we live in gets very wet, and our house leaks (garden bed against porous brick, front door below ground level), we are okay.

My sister lives in Airlie Beach, and my mum lives in Mackay, and while both those places have been very wet (and Airlie Beach, which is a coastal town, was cut off for a few hours on Christmas day), neither place or person has been damaged by flood.

{to put the distances in perspective, it takes 1.5hrs to drive from Airlie Beach to Mackay. It takes 12hrs to drive from Mackay to Brisbane. Mum usually flies down here}


See down in the bottom right hand corner that little spot that says "Caboolture"? That's just up the road from us, so we're well clear of floods. This map shows the towns worst affected. Rockhampton is still waiting for the river to peak (meaning water levels are still increasing), that's predicted to happen next Tuesday.

Emerald and Dalby are the two towns that seem to be the worst affect (at least, they're the ones the media is telling us about) Many houses in both towns are underwater, with families being evacuated to higher ground.

Farmers have lost crops and livestock (it's predicted that the cost of fresh food will more than double for at least the next year), families have lost possessions, stupid people have lost their minds (it's been raining for three weeks, people keep walking/driving across flooded roads and need to be rescued), but we are okay.


  1. Oh wow... I only know one other person in Australia, and I still had no idea that this happened over there. I'll have to check in with her and see how she's doing. =x

    Aside from that, it's good to hear that you weren't hit by the floods. :)

    // robotlove (swap-bot)

  2. Good to hear you are all okay Cate :)

  3. Glad to hear you and your family are all ok.


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