Thursday, 3 February 2011

cyclone yasi

Queensland has taken a real beating this summer, with floods, and two cyclones in the last week!

I've taken all these pictures from the Cyclone Yasi Update page on facebook.

I've marked on this picture where my sister is in Airlie Beach, and my mum and aunt in Mackay.
My brother's ex and her parents also live in Airlie Beach, as do many of his friends.
I have many online friends that I met through ScrapTherapy who live in Cairns and the Atherton Tablelands.
It's been a tough few days.

10.30am on Tuesday, February 1st

4.14pm Wednesday, February 2nd

11am Thursday, February 3rd

The weather in Brisbane has hardly changed. Wind is blowing, there are some clouds and drizzly rain, 
and lots of heat and humidity. Both mum and sister are fine. I've heard from most of my friends up north via facebook, and they are okay. Now I'm waiting to hear from a friend who moved with her family to Charters Towers six weeks ago.

Thank you for thinking of us.

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