Friday, 4 February 2011

stop making things more complicated than they need to be!

I've had this idea in my head for a few days that I need to design myself a weekly goals planner to help me, particularly with changing my eating habits. So I started to work on it this morning, only it's not going too well.

I started out thinking I wanted to set weekly goals. The main areas I'm looking at are food, exercise, creativity, family, learning, blogging, organising, reading (most of my wellness areas), so setting a weekly goal for each of these with at least one action step is quite easy to do.

Then I remembered about my plan to try using a to-do list every day to help feel better organised. Sticking to those areas would still be pretty easy, and I could leave one or two of them blank every other day so as to keep it manageable.

Then the scrapbooker in me took over, and asked how I was going to keep a record of the things I have achieved. Could I write everything down as I finished it, to remember how far I've come, and how far is still to come?

And that's how I ended up here - thinking too hard about how to record my ideas, instead of focusing on actually achieving my goals. Now I've gone back to my original idea of weekly goals with little check boxes to tick when the task is done (but I've been wanting to try stamp carving, maybe I could carve something cool to stamp in the box when I'm done?)

Here's what I came up with - I'm hoping that it helps me stay on track and keep my priorities in mind as the year progresses. Now I just need to print and bind this weekend, and start using it on Monday.

Do you start your week on Monday, or Sunday? How do you keep track of your goals each week?


  1. Monday. Definitely. I try not to have too many lists on the go - otherwise I really do wander into overthinking instead of just plain getting on with it.

  2. ditto what Sian said! Good luck with this cos its making me stress just looking at your list lol. Im a procrastinator & always will be :)

  3. The week starts Monday over at my house! It helps that I have a Rosemary Conley exercise class on a Monday night so my conscience makes me keep on the straight and narrow.

  4. That sounds organised without being too difficult to maintain - Good luck!


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