Sunday 10 April 2011

giveaway | TRON Legacy DVD

I've been part of a blogging community called Aussie Mummy Bloggers for about a year now. The Australian blogging scene has been growing for a couple of years, and AMB brings mummy bloggers together to support one another, and share their blogs. It also provides opportunities like this one - I get to review a DVD, and give one away to you, Dear Reader!

Sitting down to watch movies together isn't the easiest thing to do in our house. Riley's asleep, so we need to keep the noise down a bit; Chloe's going home at 2pm, so it needs to be finished before then; there's no way Natalie is going to sit through a 2+hr movie, so we have to be prepared for her to annoy the other kids; Douglas is just excited to watch it, so he sits where he's told, and we didn't hear a peep out of him for the whole movie.

I know I've seen the original TRON movie, but can't remember much about it, but TRON Legacy starts with the end of the first movie, so you don't need to have seen it. Jeff Bridges plays Kevin Flynn (and gee, hasn't he aged well!), who has been lost for twenty years on the grid. His son Sam Flynn (played by Garrett Hedlund) gets a message from his dad via a former business associate, and accidentally ends up on the grid as well. They find each other, with the help of Quorra (Olivia Wilde)... and you'll have to watch the movie to find out what happens next.

The visual effects and sound track were amazing - Steve said "better than the first one",Chloe said "wow, it's so well done." Douglas' comment was "pretty good... it was so, so, so, so, so, so cool" (yes, he's an almost-ten-year-old-boy), and Natalie really didn't sit still after the first twenty minutes.

TRON Legacy is available on Disney DVD & Blu-Ray on April 20th.

To have a chance at winning a copy before the, tell me - which 80's movie do you wish they would make a sequel for?

{Sorry, this giveaway is only open to Australian residents}

Giveaway will close at 4.59pm AEST Wednesday, April 13th, and the winner will be announced soon after. 

Good Luck!

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary review copy of the DVD courtesy of Walt Disney Home Studios Home Entertainment via Aussie Mummy Bloggers. No financial payment was offered or accepted for this post. All opinions expressed are purely my own.

~~ comments now closed ~~


  1. I totally agree with Angella...
    It has be be my all-time favourite 80's movie "The Breakfast Club". John Hughes really left a with a cliff-hanger on that one and it kills me that I don't know what happened with my much-loved characters after that Saturday in detention! :)

  2. E.T. I'd love to know what happened to him after he left earth.

  3. Labyrinth. I don't much care what happened to Sarah, but I wouldn't mind another two hours of David Bowie in those tights. :D

  4. oh my goodness.. my 9 yro son is OBSESSED WITH TRON AND TRON LEGACY.. lol! can't believe i found this contest.. :)

    i wish they'd made a second breakfast club, for sure.

    ya know what series i wish they'd made more of?? 'square pegs'!! (but did that ever show here in oz??)

    yay, happy contest-ing, tee hee. xoxo

  5. I would have to say Dirty Dancing...but only with original stars...too late now, eh. :(

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