Sunday, 4 September 2011

story telling sunday | sticks and stones

You recognise this pretty Australian image, right?

And you'd know about zinc cream being used to ease nappy rash?

Can you figure out the nickname the girl was given when she took a jar of zinc cream to the school sports day?

linking up to Sian's blog for Story Telling Sunday.


  1. I like your thinking! A story can be short and sweet too.

    Thanks Cate

  2. Oh, I'm feeling a little lost as I've never seen that Australian image or taken zinc cream anywhere for anything! :>( But I do like that your story is complete with just a few questions.

  3. The temptation to nod wisely and look like I have any idea what you are on about is overwhelming but I want to know! and I failed hints.

  4. Ahhh! Good ols Sudafed....didn't know you used it there too:)

  5. We just last year used up the last of our pot of Sudocrem bought to ease nappy rash many years ago ;) Fun format!

  6. I'm like Melissa and a little lost. Your story worked out well though with just a few lines.

  7. Nope I can't figure it out either I'm afraid Cate :(

  8. The nearest I can get is 'Baby Face'?
    Alison xx

  9. I can think of a few Cate so you had better fill us in!

  10. I'm not so certain either, perhaps some of us need another clue ;) I am intrigued though!

  11. What a fantastic way to get us all involved! Love it!
    intrigued, WSM UK.

  12. I think I get the gist of it - I like your short and sweet approach.


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