Thursday, 15 September 2011

today | is

today  |  is my fifth wedding anniversary
{yes, he is looking at my boobs}
I love that the kids are reflected in my glasses, might stage this one again!

today  |  is R U OK? day
Set up to get people talking about suicide prevention
{lots of links to stories at Good Googs, but I'm wondering if enough people are actually asking the question?}

today  |  is 101 days to Christmas
I'm not as ready as I planned to be when I first shared the idea
and there's lots of people waiting to see the posts.
I'll pull it off somehow!

today  |  I am going to scraplift this layout from Leslie Ashe

How is your today?


  1. Great minds! A few Christmas loving bloggers are starting Christmas posts today. Looking forward to reading your posts. A few of us are linking to each other. Happy to link to yours too:)

  2. Happy Anniversary! today is going to be helping DD to clean her apt ready for her grandparents arriving on Sunday!!
    Alison xx


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