Monday, 10 October 2011

100 days to Christmas | 10 things

Christmas isn't formost in my mind this week, because in just nine sleeps, I'm heading off to Melbourne! My grandma is turning 80, and we're off to celebrate with a party/family reunion. It will be Natalie and Riley's first plane trip, and they are super-excited. But I am already anticipating cries of "I'm bored" during the trip, because they will be so far from home, sleeping in strange beds, staying in a strange house, and surrounded by people they don't know. So I've been searching for ideas of things I can make that are small enough to fit in the littlest backpack, but big enough to keep various aged children entertained.

I just stumbled on this one today, and I love the look of them!
{I might even do the hand stitching!}

This idea is for the big kids.
I've created some battleship pages, and I'm working on word searches and cross words, too.

I think I'm going to put this on the list for camping activities.

I love this marble maze idea! And it's suitable for all the kids, even Riley!

This idea was the first one I pinned, and prompted me to start down this path!
I know that all the boys will love it, and get new life out of the boxful of cars.

I have long loved the look of these puppets.
I've bought some Wikki Stix travel packs.

Source: via Cate on Pinterest

Quiet books are very popular.
This one looks great, but I'm not sure if I could get it finished, unless I got a production line going.

Source: via Cate on Pinterest

These scenes look amazing!
{There's also a dinosaur scene that I love}

I especially love the Pom Pom Stuff It In idea in this link.

I'll share what I end up making later this week.

How do you entertain kids when you're far from home?

{Linking up to Shimelle's 10 Things}



  1. They all look fun! Hope you all have a great trip! Thanks for linking up x

  2. I love the puppets! I did a track like that when my boys were small, but I used cardboard instead of felt.

  3. brilliant! i love the mermaid scene!

  4. Look forward to seeing what you manage to make!
    Alison xx


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