Monday 7 November 2011

100 days to Christmas | 48 days

Sometimes I wish it snowed in Australia for Christmas.

Source: via Katie on Pinterest

Snow feels like a definitive line between almost-Christmas and Christmas time. It's hard to get enthusiastic about Christmas only being 48 days away (and despite all these blog posts, I really don't have a clear idea about what I'm doing, making, seeing).

But school holidays are our definitive line. The kids finish school on December 8th this year (school oficially finishes December 9th, but our school prefers children not to go in on clean-up day) And I already have a mental image of a summer project in my mind.

45 days of summer is going to be an activity-a-day thing for the kids. In the lead up to Christmas it will include watching Christmas movies, creating, decorating; after Christmas it will include summer-holiday-type activities, running under the sprinkler, exploring new places, preparing for a new school year.

I've learnt from 100 days to Christmas that I need to have a better calendar, and a better to-do list, and include myself on the list. I'm hoping to document each day through photos, and eventually blog posts and scrapbook pages.

Would you change the Christmas weather if you could?

PS - I won a seat in Holiday Card Bootcamp from Lain at Layout A Day - I'm still scarred by the upside-down-embossing incident!


  1. 8th December!!! My kids don't finish until the 20th

  2. When the sun is shining here(not that it HAS been for the last few days)I find it very difficult to imagine that we are approaching Christmas...don't know how I'd cope if it was actually summer!
    Alison xx

  3. I think that I associate the hot weather with Christmas so strongly that I'd find snow very disconcerting. That said, it'd make a hot kitchen with a huge turkey luncheon in the oven a lot more pleasant - we're so much better suited to barbecues here!


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