Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Christmas 2011 wrap up

We're slowly getting back into our regular daily routine. It's always slightly out-of-kilter having Steve home with no daily routine, but the kids are enjoying playing with their toys, getting ready for a New Years Eve camping adventure.

She was so excited to come downstairs and see a pile of presents under the tree - especially the stockings that each of the kids decorated, stuffed full.

But she was a bit confused that Santa drank all his milk, but didn't eat all his cookies that Mum made. When dad explained that he probably ate one biscuit at everyone's house, so was saving room for all the others, she thought that was ok.

We had our customary buttermilk hotcakes with blueberry syrup. And croissants with ham and cheese for the fussy ones. And bowls of cereal for the little ones. Devoured by everyone.

Last year was a free-for-all with presents - six kids grabbing presents, ripping them open and moving on to the next one. This year we asked the kids to take turns selecting a present from under the tree, unwrapping, showing everyone, then moving on to the next person. It made the morning move a little slower, and gave everyone the chance to see and appreciate each gift.

The stillest she was all morning. (is that a word?)

I was in fits of laughter when I opened this parcel - firstly, a parcel with brown paper and string is an inside family joke between my mum and I, and secondly, she reads my blog to get present information! That's the second time it's worked, maybe I should start directing Steve here?

Inside was a beautiful pair of earrings from Epheriell.

The best present of all was the new trampoline. (this was before we put the net up) The kids have been outside on it every day, without arguements, and Riley has even been brave enough to hope up and try it out!

And I remembered to take a family photo. Looking at this reminds me why I'm starting this journey (and that I need a haircut and a new tripod)

Then we moved on to preparing food, sharing gifts with my brother and niece and nephew, eating, playing, some drinking, then friends dropping in for dinner, before crawling in to bed, tired and happy with a new book.

Hope you're having a fantastic holiday season!


  1. Looks like a very happy day. Well done for gettinbg a family shot - I only have one picture of myself in my whole JYC album

  2. What fun to see this post with your famiy enjoying their Christmas time, Cate. Looks like everyone had fun. Happy New Year to you all! xo


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