Saturday, 28 January 2012

LOAD212 | I'm playing again - blog hop

Welcome to the Layout-A-Day 212 blog hop! If you found your way here from Katrina's blog, then you're on the right path! I'll provide the next stop and a full list of participants at the end.


Back in January 2011, after months of not scrapping, I randomly decided to take the plunge and join in Lain Ehmann's Layout-A-Day challenge.

 It's almost February again, and I've decided to have another go at layout-a-day.

I took up an offer last year to join ScrapHappy, layout-a-day is included in the cost, all I needed to do this year was sign up for the 212 email list. Then I started making notes.

I've started keeping my printed photos in a photo album, which I guess is my version of Stacey Julian's storage binders. I'm using the sticky notes to write stories related to the photos and sticking them in the album.

Having photos printed, ready to go, really helped me keep up last year. The topic for layout-a-day this round is Past Perfect. I don't have many any photos older than about six years (and I'm not really inspired to scrap those yet), so I'll decide each day if I can use the prompts.

The first thing on my list is products to try, or techniques to use. Last year I wrote "inking" and remembered to do it on every layout.

I've owned Glimmermists since they were first released, but have only ever used them once or twice. I randomly purchased the Mister Huey's mists from a friend on facebook one day. I want to try to use the mists at least once a week. I also have some Balzer Designs stencils to help.

Washi tape is another on-trend product I have lots of, but haven't used to it's full potential. 
My goal is at least once a week.

Handmade crochet flowers and handmade buttons are more on-trend products that keep jumping into my shopping cart. I have used some buttons, but no flowers. I'd like to use them on at least one layout each week.

Paper is a pretty important part of the whole process. Last year I stuck with one paper collection, which made creating every day a little bit easier. Country Drive from Echo Park was a random-at-the-LSS-crop purchase that needs to be used.

Time & Seasons was another random-LSS-crop purchase that I really want to use.

Inspiration is also a really important part of my scrapping. I've printed a selection of layouts from my pinterest boards, and ones that have caught my eye at two peas in a bucket, as well as gathering a pile of magazines to keep near by.

I've also written down some classes I've never finished, just in case I don't have enough to keep me going. I actually have a vague idea in the back of my mind that once I'm on a role of creating every day, I'll keep creating past February. It's only a vague idea, but it's an idea that I'm open to.
Now, I know it sounds like I've got lots of stuff going on here, but given that my days (and nights) are busier than they were a year ago, I need to at least think about all my options for creating, even if I don't do it all.

Have you ever created a layout a day, or joined in with the challenge?


  1. Cate, I love how you're limiting your supply and gathering your inspiration sources. What a great way to make LOAD easier!

  2. okay - your photographs speak a thousand words to me and are very inspiring. . . see you on Flickr!

  3. I hadn't thought of gathering inspiration. Thanks for the idea!

  4. It sounds like you're definitely ready for LOAD. I did the LOAD at BPC last year with Lain, and although I didn't complete a layout EVERY day I had a nice stack of them done at the end of the month. ENJOY - I'm looking forward to seeing your layouts.

    Those buttons remind me I need to try out the new button maker Robbie got me for Christmas!

  5. I really like the idea of trying to use techniques or products you've stashed but not made the most of! Going to keep it in mind!

  6. Great post, Cate! I love that you're limiting some of the decisions you have to make each day! So smart! And, I think the paper kits you've chosed can cover so many topics!

    P.S. Love your 'About Me' profile! I can relate to so much of it! Taken classes, never finished one...

  7. I have a lot of the same products that I want to use more, except I do use my mists a fair bit. Have you seen the way Shimelle uses Glimmer Mist to paint around the edges of paper? Very neat.

    Looking forward to seeing your pages!

  8. Cate, This is so clever, love how you are going to use these items can't wait to see your creative pages.I love the affect you have used in the photos of your stashes that gives me food for thought.

  9. Cate - I love that you have goals for things to use. Don't most of us have a thousand things we've purchased and thought "won't this be cool" and then never used it. I know I do. I'll be taking your encouragement to pull out some of those things and take the plunge. Thanks for sharing.

  10. I really like the way you have put together the photos for this one. Is that a new Australian magazine I spy on your pile?

  11. This will be my fifth LOAD! So excited to get my scrap on! I'll be seeing ya next month!

  12. Great reminder to gather inspiration!!

  13. I LOVE your goals and suggestions! Thanks for sharing with everyone! :)

  14. late commenting on the hop but i just wanted to say that I really like your idea of limiting your supplies and setting yourself some "use" goals! I should try this. thanks for the advice


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