Monday 27 August 2012

is learning getting in the way of sharing?

I've been focusing on learning and reading and getting organised on my blog for a couple of months now. I've always loved learning new things, and am often surprised at just how much I know and can share with others (and often learn things just by stumbling on something, something I did twice over the weekend.)

husband's new toy #midlifecrisis

But I'm wondering if I've reached saturation point. Because a little bit of me is frozen in procrastination, and inaction, and lethargy. I don't seem to have put any ideas into action, even though I'm full of ideas. This space feels slightly off lately, like I've lost my way while I've been learning.

This week, I have to try planning my at-home-days into workable, action-filled days. I need to utilise my time better, so that I haven't wasted my money by signing up to Path Finder, or Blogging from the Heart.

I'm still working at juggling scouts twice a week (although that might change in the new year), and most weekends in September and October have some activity on the schedule. Plus, it's only twenty days until 100 days to Christmas starts, and I haven't started writing posts yet!

Maybe I need to unplug for a couple of days, to regroup and and create some memories with the kids.

Do you unplug regularly? How do you re-energise if you're feeling stuck?


  1. I do have to unplug occasionally not just from the blog but from the world. It renews me and energizes me. I will definitely be doing that over Labor Day weekend. Working on the 100 Days post this week ;)

  2. I find myself overwhelmed with ideas the majority of the time and need to kick myself over that line of thinking about it and actually doing and sharing it. I mean, I have a craft blog but I feel too stuck to craft anything lately. I've been in a big rut because I keep feeling like everything has already been done, I can't find my own originality and it annoys me to no end!
    As you know, I'm aiming to create a handmade Christmas gift for 56 of my family and friends and I've only done 10 over two months! I'm determined not to give up but it's hard to really push into it and get things done when you're not feeling inclined to do anything :(
    I can't help you with sharing my tips for unplugging and regrouping because I don't know how to myself, but if you find a way I'd love to hear about it! I hope you get your groove back!

    1. I'll share next week how I unplug, because we've had a regular plan all year, and for the first time ever we've made it a priority and it's working!

      As for the creating, I'm no help, I seem to be stuck in the copying part, unable to create for myself - I blame pinterest, but that's another post altogether!

  3. I do unplug on occasion. I've also posted less this past month as I've had a lot going on getting organized for the fall. I'm looking forward to the 100 Days to Christmas posts (and I still might send a few your way if I can swing it!).


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