Tuesday, 21 August 2012

review | boxed play - craft activities

Boxed Play - craft activities - $295 for 12mth subscription, or $75 a quarter. Other options also available. {I purchased the $75/quarter option}

I'm not quite sure how I found Boxed Play - maybe following a link on facebook, liking the page, and liking what they had to say. I've been waiting a few weeks before purchasing, trying to decide if I wanted such a big expense. And I realised that I am ultimately lazy, and someone else doing the work, putting it together in a box, and mailing it to me would save my sanity! {If only they did boxes for bigger kids!}

The brown paper bag contained ten envelopes with activities for the next ten weeks (plus we got an extra activity envelope) The envelope contains everything you need, tells you what you need from the supply box, and gives detailed instructions and a photo of the finished product.

The supply box contained a welcome note (laminated), two pairs of scissors, assorted paint brushes and foam brushes, paper and placemats (I think that's to use as a work surface), playdough cutters, paint pots, and a container with crayons, pencils, glue sticks and sticky tape. I'm excited to show Riley, and will do a review of the activity envelopes at the end of this month.

Have you ever purchased craft activities?


  1. OMG that looks awesome! Definately something I want to do now lol

  2. It's a great idea. I'm so slack when it comes to craft.

  3. Just to let you know, now is the time to sign up for the newsletter and make the most of our end of year special. Andrea From Boxed Play


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