Saturday 25 August 2012

seen around the web

I've pinned lots of stuff about blogging this week, including this one from MomComm, about why bloggers shouldn't fear affiliate links; and this one about how to generate QR codes (I saw somewhere that someone used QR codes in their Project Life binder, to link to blog posts. What a great idea!)

There's a sponsor-introduction-post up at Campfire Chic. And some great reads from other sponsors, including this reminder from Sonya at Brighid's House; and this post about a first time camper from Amanda at City Spirit.

Did you see the new editions of Project Life released this week? I signed up for Project Real Life at BPC, but now that I've seen Elise Blaha's Seafoam edition, I think I'll wait for it to be released, and do the class with freebies from around the web.

And I just found out that Amy Tangerine is in Australia. In fact, she'll be at my local Spotlight next Thursday. But husband has the day off, and we're going camping the next day. Although I do want some of her day books.

Have you seen anything interesting this week?

1 comment

  1. You've certainly found a lot of good stuff in blogland this week. I haven't visited Momcomm before, but I'm finding lots of interesting information there. Thanks for sharing what you've found!


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