Saturday, 22 September 2012

seen around the web

Why blogger worship is dumb.This resonated with me when I think about how excited I got for a friend who is being mentored by another "big name" blogger.

Layout tips to encourage reader engagement. This post is amazing, and the whole series has some really helpful advice that I'm slowly putting into action.

Make everyday a scrapbooking adventure. One of my all-time-favourite videos from Shimelle. I smiled all the way through it again.

A thoughtful post from Sister Dianne at CraftyPod. Do we need to just get over comments? The whole series of online info diet health has been well worth reading this year.

Here's a great post on how to recover your blogging mojo (found via Lemon and Raspberry)

What have you seen around the web lately?


  1. I don't have time to check out the links today but definitely will come back to this post :) have a glorious weekend!

  2. I am off to check out your links now :) Have a great weekend. Rx


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