Saturday, 29 September 2012

seen around the web

I'm really enjoying putting these posts together - I hope you're enjoying finding new snippets to read!

I totally love this post from Renee at FIMBY - I usually, not always seem to have a similar routine.

And I've totally used this method for unsticking vehicles, but never thought of applying it to me.

This is probably the best method I've ever heard for overcoming procrastination (and isn't just for businesses)

As a scrapbooker using my blog as an online scrapbook, big photos are important to me, but they should be important to everyone.

After all this time, I'm still trying to figure out how to use google analytics, but this post from Campfire Chic, made breaking the information down into usable bits easy (and for the record, my most viewed post in August was this one.)

Finally, a list of places to find blog inspiration, because sometimes we forget the simplest things (the last one resonated with me!)

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