Tuesday, 16 October 2012

where did last week go?

I stumbled badly last week. See, there's this little thing called Blogtoberfest, that used to be run by tinniegirl (which I speak Melsh first mentioned a couple of years ago) and is now being run over at I Saw You Dancing, and I had this vague idea that I'd push myself to post every day. But I wouldn't announce it to the world, because we know how it turns out when I commit to this space that I'm going to do something - it never happens!

 there was lots of shopping

and cleaning of the car

there were tents involved

and hills

a cool shady spot to rest

yesterday, I walked across this bridge

and have the sunburn to prove it

I've been just a little bit busy

How was your week?

linking up with IBOT



  1. Ooh, that sunburn looks nasty! I have heard bits and pieces about Blogtoberfest, but never really read into it. I can't make that kind of commitment, I am hopeless at trying to be consistent :)

    1. the sunburn has wind burn on top of it, and it's still stinging. time to whip out the aloe vera I think1

  2. Not nearly as busy as yours. I thought the same thing about the blogging every day. Sigh. Didn't happen. There is one for November as NaBlPoMo I think it is called. or something like that.

    Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses lovely

    1. I tried NaBloPoMo once. that was the beginning of the don't-tell-anybody-phase

  3. I wouldn't last five minutes on Blogtoberfest or NaBloPoMo. My week was one of highs and lows. None of which involved a nasty sunburn. You poor thing, that looks so sore!

    1. I think you'd be surprised how far you'd get if you we're happy to schedule posts. I've scheduled posts for the next two weeks, now I can take a break!

  4. Ouch - feeling that sunburn. My week not as active as yours but still busy. Your car looks like mine after a trip somewhere - got to love the kids thought patterns, what do I do with this..... Oh I throw it on the floor of course.

    1. I usually have a box in the car that they use as a rubbish bin, but it still ends up on the floor!

  5. Looks like a great week! I dread going camping with hubby and the kids but I know its not far off so kudos for going! hope you had a great week!!!

    1. It wasn't family camping (we haven't managed that for a couple of months) it was a Cub Scout weekend

  6. Looks like it was fun in parts..not the sunburn obviously! I was back in Scotland for my sister's silver wedding party and caught up with lots of friends and family
    Alison xx

  7. Nah didn't consider bloctoberfest, cause I didn't want the pressure. Better just to live your life and bog when you feel inspired, even if it does result in nasty sunburn.


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